Revving Through History: Tex Mex Motors - A Cinematic Journey!

when was tex mex motors filmed

When Was Tex Mex Motors Filmed?

Tex Mex Motors is a popular television show that has captured the hearts of car enthusiasts around the world. The show features a group of talented mechanics who transform ordinary vehicles into extraordinary works of art. It is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates the beauty and power of automobiles. But have you ever wondered when Tex Mex Motors was filmed? In this article, we will explore the history of the show and the filming dates that made it a success.

The Birth of Tex Mex Motors

Tex Mex Motors premiered on the small screen in 2015 and quickly gained a loyal fan base. The show follows a team of skilled mechanics who specialize in customizing classic cars and giving them a new lease on life. From vintage Mustangs to iconic Chevrolet trucks, Tex Mex Motors has transformed numerous vehicles into stunning masterpieces. The show's success can be attributed to its unique blend of creativity, passion, and dedication to the craft of automotive customization.

Filming Dates and Locations

The filming of Tex Mex Motors takes place in various locations across the United States. Each episode showcases a different project and highlights the challenges faced by the mechanics as they strive to create a one-of-a-kind vehicle. The crew travels to different cities and towns to find the perfect cars and interact with local car enthusiasts.

The exact filming dates for Tex Mex Motors can vary from season to season, as the production team aims to capture the most compelling stories and projects. However, the show typically films for several months at a time, allowing for in-depth coverage of each customization process. The mechanics work tirelessly to meet deadlines and deliver exceptional results, all while cameras capture their every move.

The Impact of Tex Mex Motors

Tex Mex Motors has had a significant impact on the automotive industry and car enthusiasts worldwide. The show has inspired a new generation of mechanics and DIY enthusiasts to take up car customization as a hobby or profession. Viewers appreciate the attention to detail, creativity, and craftsmanship showcased by the Tex Mex Motors team.

Furthermore, Tex Mex Motors has brought recognition to the cultural significance of cars in American society. The show celebrates the iconic designs of classic cars while infusing them with modern twists. It has also shed light on the importance of preserving automotive history and the value of craftsmanship in an increasingly digital world.


Tex Mex Motors is a television show that has captured the hearts of car enthusiasts worldwide. The filming of the show takes place in various locations across the United States, with each episode showcasing a unique customization project. The mechanics' dedication and passion for their craft are evident in every episode, making Tex Mex Motors a must-watch for anyone who appreciates the art of car customization.

FAQs about Tex Mex Motors

1. How can I watch Tex Mex Motors?

You can watch Tex Mex Motors on various streaming platforms, such as Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. Check your local listings for availability.

2. Is Tex Mex Motors based on a true story?

While Tex Mex Motors features real mechanics and their projects, the show is not based on a specific true story. It is a reality television series that showcases the craft of car customization.

3. How long does it take to film an episode of Tex Mex Motors?

The filming of an episode of Tex Mex Motors typically takes several weeks to capture the entire customization process. However, the exact timeline can vary depending on the complexity of the project.

4. Are the cars featured on Tex Mex Motors available for purchase?

The cars featured on Tex Mex Motors are usually not available for purchase. They are unique creations made specifically for the show. However, the mechanics often work on customer vehicles, so you might be able to get your car customized by them!

5. Will there be a new season of Tex Mex Motors?

As of now, there has been no official announcement regarding a new season of Tex Mex Motors. However, fans are eagerly awaiting the show's return and hoping for more incredible car transformations.

Video Tex Mex Motors filming location El Paso, TX

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